Pool Loans Are Now Available on dApp Lending!

After the successful launching of EFG dApp lending, we currently have 2 pool loans available for lending. In each pool will have 100K EFG inside. The following are the names and addresses of the pool loans:
Pool 1: (THEMIS) ELt364o3jBDuEZmJPVdM28ku82NB52dZ5h
Pool 2: (GALAXY-K) EXoRPHdQAw4BMjtSvWRhFYxt8ZnkxGL7hm
You can find the pool loans by visiting the EFG Lending website. When you
deposit collateral (ECOC) in the dApp lending, there will be a list of loaners for you to choose.
Note: For borrowing EFG, users will be charge 0.03% interest rate of the total borrowing amount.
Start lending on dApp NOW!
For more information
Website: https://efg.finance
Twitter: https://twitter.com/EFG_DeFi
Medium: https://efg-defi.medium.com
Telegram: https://t.me/EFGtoken